Monday, June 22, 2020

Air Force Network Intelligence Analyst

Aviation based armed forces Network Intelligence Analyst Aviation based armed forces Network Intelligence Analyst Performs and oversees knowledge examination exercises/works in all spaces. Examines and endeavors knowledge data, creates targets, and gives situational attention to activities faculty and key authority. Behaviors inquire about and Creates appraisals of ill-disposed activities and goals. Drafts and disperses long haul and time-delicate insight reports to customers around the world. Related DoD Occupational Subgroup:123200 and 124300 Obligations and Responsibilities Performs nitty gritty investigation to uncover target organize correspondences hubs, structures, working strategies, and vehicles for extra misuse. Recuperates, relates, and intertwines specialized, geological, and operational knowledge data. Perceives and endeavors insight data. Creators time-touchy knowledge reports as per set up rules for U.S. warfighters and national chiefs. Produces, breaks down, considers, explores, wires, and associates insight for key, operational, and strategic clients. Gives target geopolitical and operational knowledge to national offices and military order specialists. Recognizes and scatters continuous danger cautioning data. Creates and utilizes methods to distinguish and abuse target arrange designs and working qualities. Recreates target correspondence profiles through inside and out investigation of message address data and directing pointers. Makes and keeps up specialized and operational databases utilizing assorted PC equipment and programming applications. Works strategic correspondences mediums. Delivers and presents topical high-intrigue specialized and operational knowledge briefings to all degrees of order. Uses all source insight data. Gets ready objective correspondences evaluations, enemy request of fight considers, circumstance reports, and other knowledge reports are required. Behaviors Information Operations, gives examination to Information Warfare exercises and backing to Air Operations Centers and bolstered commandants. Offers nitty gritty help to the possibility and intentional arranging process. Claim to fame Qualifications Information. Information is obligatory of: hypothesis of radio correspondences strategies; logical methods; association of the national insight structure; Information Operations and Information Warfare; association of assigned military powers; topography; announcing standards and systems; compelling composing standards; and orders for taking care of, scattering, and shielding arranged safeguard data. Training. Consummation of secondary school with courses in science, English arrangement, and PC applications is attractive for passage into this claim to fame. Preparing. Finish of a fundamental system knowledge examination course is compulsory for grant of AFSC 1N431. Experience. The accompanying experience is compulsory for grant of the AFSC showed: (Explanation of Air Force Specialty Codes). 1N451. Capability in and ownership of AFSC 1N431. Additionally, involvement with capacities, for example, dissecting system correspondences traffic or getting ready specialized and insight reports. 1N471. Capability in and ownership of AFSC 1N451. Additionally, experience performing or administering capacities, for example, breaking down system correspondences traffic, creating signals arrange graphs, or getting ready insight reports. 1N491. Capability in and ownership of AFSC 1N471. Likewise, experience overseeing system knowledge examination and detailing endeavors, and creating scientific methods for misuse of system insight information. Other. Coming up next are obligatory as shown: For grant and maintenance of AFSCs 1N431/51/71/91, qualification for a Top Secret exceptional status, as per AFI 31-501, Personnel Security Program Management, and for touchy compartmented data get to. NOTE: Award of the 3-ability level without a last Top Secret freedom is approved given an interval TS has been conceded by AFI 31-501. For grant of AFSC 1N431, capacity to work a console at a pace of 25 words for each moment (WPM). Note: This activity requires a Sensitive Job Code-(SJC) of F. Quality Req: G Physical Profile: 333221 Citizenship: Yes Required Appitude Score : G-58 (Changed to G-62, successful 1 Jul 04). Specialized Training: Course #: X3ABR1N431 009 Area : G Length (Days): 92

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