Saturday, December 28, 2019
Promoting Women in Engineering
Promoting Women in Engineering Promoting Women in Engineering Promoting Women in EngineeringWhen Nancy D. Fitzroy was studying at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the 1940s, RPI saw little need for female restroom accommodations, so small was the number of women science and engineering students enrolled there. I had to use the mens room, recalled Fitzroy in a 1998 oral history. The guys would stand guard outside the door while I was in there.View a video clip from ASMEs Oral History with Nancy FitzroyUndeterred by the inconveniencies and challenges of preparing for an engineering career in a male-dominated environment, Fitzroy would graduate from Rensselaer in 1949, before joining General Electric in Schenectady, NY. GEs engineering ranks, like those at the majority of technology firms in the 1950s and ensuing years, was staffed mostly by men, requiring Fitzroy, particularly in her early years at the company, to overcome a variety of obstacles, hardships, and even some prejudices. They wouldnt hire me as an engineer, because I was a girl, said Fitzroy. So they started me as an engineering assistant.Unfazed, Fitzroy would proceed to carve out a successful 37-year career at GE, working on research programs focused on heat transfer and fluid flow in gas turbines, nuclear reactors, space vehicles, and other systems. When Fitzroy became president of ASME in 1986, she pushed forward an agenda focused on steering more women and other underrepresented minorities into the profession and advancing their opportunities for career enrichment and advancement. Among other initiatives, Fitzroy was a leading influence in the creation of the ASME motherboard on Minorities and Women in Engineering. She was the first American woman to head a major engineering society. Former ASME President Nancy FitzroyWorkforce DiversityFitzroy was a crusader for engineering workforce diversity at a time when women had limited access to engineering programs. Opinions on reasons f or the underrepresentation of women in engineering vary. Some theories point to the era of the American homestead, when male owners of blacksmith and leather tanning shops took on their sons as apprentices, teaching skills to sustain the livelihood of families. This trend became generational, with access to women blocked.The trend continued in the ensuing years, though there were a few women engineering groundbreakers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Ellen Swallow Richards in 1873 became the first American woman to earn a degree in chemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology before going on to make contributions in the field of water sanitation. Lillian Gilbreth, just a baby when ASME was founded in 1880, is credited with several firsts the first female professor of engineering at Purdue University, the first woman elected to the National Academy of Engineering, and the first female recipient of the Hoover Medal for distinguished public service by an engineer.Wo men in ScienceRecent analysis of gender inequality in the profession has focused on perceptions on the part of women that engineering is the professional domain of men, and that males possess a stronger aptitude to handle the requisite training in math and science. A study by the American Sociological Association reveals that women often think of engineering as a gender-specific career and believe that society will see it the same way. And so as more and more women entered the general workforce in the last 25 years, most have shunned engineering and gravitated to other fields considered women-friendly, like law and medicine.When Fitzroy was ASME president, women comprised four percent of the engineering workforce. Today its 13 percent a marked improvement, however, short of diversity goals established by STEM leaders, who maintain that diversity in the workplace contributes to product innovation, auf der ganzen welt competence, and other successful corporate outcomes.Fitzroy, a fel low of ASME, was an early advocate of engineering workforce diversity, and her tireless efforts to promote the role of women and minorities in technology influenced other ASME presidents. Susan H. Skemp and Victoria Rockwell along with a few male ASME presidents, notably Robert Nickell and Sam Zamrick were spokespersons for diversity. Madiha El Mehelmy Kotb, ASMEs fourth woman president, is currently in office.Read more about Promoting Women in Engineering The copyright of this program is owned by ASME.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Survey Majority of managers are uncomfortable with communication (aka doing their jobs)
Survey Majority of managers are uncomfortable with communication (aka doing their jobs)Survey Majority of managers are uncomfortable with communication (aka doing their jobs)To be a good manager to the employees youre in charge of, you need to be a strong communicator to your employees about your expectations, deadlines, and goals. But a newInteract surveyrecently highlighted by Harvard Business Reviewfound that the majority of managers are uncomfortable doing just these things. Otherwise known as doing their jobs.Survey Managers uncomfortable with giving any feedback to their employeesThe Interact survey of more than 2,000 U.S. adults found that69% of the managers admitted that they were often uncomfortable communicating with employees. Over a third of managers surveyed said that they were uncomfortable giving direct feedback about their employees job performance if they thought the employees would take it badly.Basic communication skills like giving clear directions and speaking fa ce to face were also listed as stressors that made managers uncomfortable. Twenty percent of managers surveyed said that the thought of needing to deliver the company line about an employers change in direction made them uncomfortable.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
3 Myths About Your Dream Job You Need to Get Over - The Muse
3 Myths About Your Dream Job You Need to Get Over - The Muse3 Myths About Your Dream Job You Need to Get Over Youve been told you can achieve anything you set your mind to, right? Thats the message thats been ingrained in us since childhood when we imagined becoming astronauts, athletes, and movie stars. Most of us come to realize that we cant all be LeBron James or Taylor Swift- and that we dont want to be, anyway As we get older, we typically outgrow these fantasties of youth and begin mapping out a career thats aligned with our personal goals and values. Yet, in spite of this seemingly straightforward and logical process, many people still have a number of misconceptions about what a dream job actually entails. Career platitudes that weve absorb over time may bedrngnis only be misleading, they can also be downright damaging.Let me be clear Theres nothing wrong with aspiring to do something you love. After all, everyone wants a career that is both fulfilling and that pays the bill s. The problem is that having an idealized view of what constitutes this perfect job can actually wind up leading you away from work you love instead of toward it. When your expectations dont match reality, you can wind up plateauing, wondering what to do next and where to go.The key to finding your dream role is being able to distinguish the achievable from the fairy tale, and recognizing what it means to be fulfilled from a practical- not just passionate- standpoint. By becoming aware of the myths surrounding the ultimate fantasy job, you can make sure you dont pass up worthwhile work in a hopeless pursuit of an elusive ideal.1. Passion Will Pay the BillsIts a tough pill to swallow, but passion alone doesnt pay the bills- at least not for most of us. Just because you care about something doesnt mean you can earn a living from it. In order for any venture to be successful, the market has to have a willingness and ability to pay for what youre offering. For example, you may love wor king with college students on resume prep, but students are typically cash strapped, and universities often offer free career development support in response to this.That doesnt mean, however, that you should give up on doing what brings you excitement. Instead of diving head first into anything new, take small steps toward establishing yourself. Focus on your side projects and work on getting them to a place where you can survive on them alone. Its a strategy author Jeff Goins calls building a bridge in his book The Art of Work A Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant to Do. Rushing things along wont pay off in the long run. Considering the case above, you could start helping college students by volunteering in the career services department or providing free advice on your blog. Over time, you can assess your success and determine when and how to monetize your endeavors.2. When You Love What You Do, It Wont Feel Like WorkThere is no such thing as a model career. No job has zero downsides, and its unrealistic to expect perfection from a particular role, employer, or yourself. There will always be tradeoffs and compromises youll need to make in any position no matter how great the organization is or how awesome your boss is, and thats OK knowing this ahead of time can help you make smart decisions that get you closer to the job you want.The trick is to be clear with yourself about what your values and priorities are. Having a solid grasp of this will likely make the unsavory parts of your job more tolerable. Often, you have to be willing to put up with a lot in order to follow your passion. Youre the only one who can decide whether its worth the compromise. I work with people who desire to be entrepreneurs, and while running your own business is a worthy goal, I remind them that there will still be elements they dont 100% enjoy. You might love sales and working with customers and hate managing a budget, but until you grow and scale the company, youre g oing to be responsible for tasks that bring you joy and others that dont. 3. Theres a Linear Path to Success- and Hard Work is All it Takes to Get ThereMany people make a short-sighted decision to work in a position that isnt up their alley, believing if they just work hard enough, itll lead them to future success. The employee who victoriously rises from the mailroom to the C-Suite is a Cinderella story that fuels this dream-job myth. And, its a pattern I frequently see with well-intentioned clients, who often fail to research whether theres an explicit connection between the job they take and the one they want. Even if they discover that a path does exist, they dont approach getting into their dream role in a proactive and effective way. They rely on working harder and longer hours, praying their boss will notice and reward them with a promotion that will suddenly make everything better. To side-step this trap, seek out mentors and see how you can model their career trajectory. Co nducting informational interviews can give you peace of mind that youre heading in the right direction and ensure that once you do get promoted, youll be as content as you expect (which sure beats investing years in a dead-end job). Be clear with your employer about your expectations during the hiring process and throughout your tenure. Make your career goals known, and work together with your supervisor to establish defined objectives and milestones that put you in line for promotions thatll have you doing work that drives you. Your dream job isnt an exact destination rather, its constantly evolving. The ideal career when youre in your 20s may be a poor work-life fit by the time you turn 35. Its OK to change your mind and then change it again, but avoid constantly striving for some elusive professional fantasy. Instead of getting caught up in false truths about what defines a perfect job, keep your options open, and embrace the many opportunities that you encounter on along the way .
Friday, December 13, 2019
Where The Federal Jobs Are - Department of Interior
Where The Federal Jobs Are - Department of InteriorWhere The Federal Jobs Are - Department of InteriorWhere The Federal Jobs Are Department of InteriorWHERE THE FEDERAL JOBS AREFEDERAL AGENCY SERIES PART 7 WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT The DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI)Website https// Sally Jewell (2013 present)Headquarters Washington, D.C. and more than 2,400 locations throughout the country.Mission To protect and manage the lands natural resources and cultural heritage provide scientific and other information about those resources and honor its trust responsibilities or special commitments to American Indians, Alaska Natives, and affiliated island communities.Strategic Goals The Departments Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2014-2018 focuses on 6 priority areasCelebrating and Enhancing Americas Great OutdoorsStrengthening Tribal Nations and Insular CommunitiesPowering Our Future and Responsible Use of the Nations ResourcesEngaging the Next GenerationEnsuring Hea lthy Watersheds and Sustainable, Secure Water SuppliesBuilding a Landscape-level Understanding of Our ResourcesNumber of Civilian Employees Approximately 70,000 federal civilian employees (as well as 280,000 volunteers).DOI Organization Structure 10 Bureaus and multiple arbeitszimmers perform the Departments programs and activities.BureausBureau of Indian Affairs. The oldest Bureau of the Department of Interior. It is the primary federal agency charged with carrying of the Nations trust responsibility to American Indian and Alaska Native people in 567 federal recognized tribes. It maintains the federal relationship with recognized Indian tribes and promotes and erleichterungs tribal self-determination. The Bureau has 12 Regional sekretariats (in the heart of Indian Country) and 83 agencies (at the reservation level) reporting to Washington, D.C. Headquarters. Approximately 4,000 employees, the majority of whom are American Indian or Alaska Native. Employees work with tribal governme nts in the administration of law enforcement and justice agricultural and economic development tribal governance and natural resources management programs.The Bureau of Indian Education. Provides education services to over 40,000 Indian students in over 180 Bureau-funded elementary and secondary schools (and directly operating 2 post-secondary institutions) on 64 reservations in 23 states. Oversees over 10,000 teachers, principals, school administrators and other staff. The Bureau is currently implementing a reorganization to better align its resources, functions, talents, and technical assistance with its mission. See 1 HIRING PREFERENCES Preference in filling vacancies in the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Indian Education, and the Department of Health Human tafelgeschirrs Indian Health Service is given to qualified Indian candidates under Excepted Service Appointment Authority. For more information see /idc1-025252.pdf.Bureau of Land Management. Manages public lands (approximately 245 million surface acres and 700 million sub-surface acres) as well as managing Federal onshore oil, gas and goal operations. It manages livestock grazing on public lands, and administers thousands of permits and leases held by ranchers. The Bureaus National Landscape Conservation System includes over 870 federally recognized areas and over 30 million acres of National Monuments, Wild and Scenic Rivers, National Scenic and Historic Trails, National Conservation Areas, Wilderness Areas, and Wilderness Study Areas. In addition to the Washington, D.C. Headquarters, the Bureau has District Offices, Field Offices or Operations Centers in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Denver, Idaho, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Approximately 8,000 employees, there are career opportunities for those with backgrounds in conservation, forestry, environmental protection, minerals, accounting/fiscal/business, IT, and surveying.TIP 2 The Bureau of Land Management (as well as the National Park Service, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Department of Agricultures Forest Service) has wild land firefighting positions available through its Fire and Aviation program (headquartered at the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho). See of Ocean Energy Management. Promotes energy independence, environmental protection and economic development through science-based management of offshore conventional and renewable energy and marine mineral resources. Develops the 5-year Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Natural Gas Leasing Program, Oil and Gas Lease Sales, and offshore Renewable Energy Programs. Functions include plan administration, environmental analysis and studies, and economic analysis. In addition to the Washington, D.C. Headquarters, it has 4 regional offices (Virginia, Alaska, New Orleans, and California). Approxim ately 600 staff. Typical positions include environmental protection specialist minerals leasing specialists biological, chemical and social scientists and administrative personnel.Bureau of Reclamation. Known for the dams, power plants and canals it constructed in the western states, the Bureau is a water management agency the largest wholesaler of water and the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the U.S. It employs over 5,300 staff in Washington, D.C., 5 Regions and 20 Area Offices. Employees include biologists, engineers, hydrologists, natural resource specialists, IT specialists, and administrative personnel.Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement. Promotes safety, protects the environment, and conserves the oil and natural gas resources in the Outer Continental Shelf. It develops standards and guidelines for Oil Spill Response Plans and oversees the Nations first federal offshore energy regulatory program. In addition to the D.C. Headquarters, the Bureau h as Regional Offices in the Louisiana, California and Alaska. Approximately 800 employees. There are opportunities for petroleum engineers geologists and geophysicists, budget analysts, program analysts, inspectors, IT specialists, and administrative personnel. .National Park Service. Preserves the natural and cultural resources and values of the Nations 400+ National Parks. The Service has more than 20,000 employees working in a large variety of career fields including, archeologist, biologists, botanist, contracting officers, education specialists, facility managers, forestry technicians, historians, IT specialists, landscape architects, museum professionals, park police, park rangers, scientists, and administrative personnel. There are also many opportunities for volunteers through the Services Volunteers-In-Parks program and other specialized volunteer opportunities. See of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement. Nationwide program pro tecting society and the environment from the adverse effects of surface coal mining operations. The Office balances the nations need for continued domestic coal production with protection of the environment. In addition to Washington, D.C. Headquarters, has 3 Regional and Field offices (Appalachian, Mid-Continent and Western) with area and field offices in Alabama, Colorado, Kentucky, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina., Tennessee, Washington, and Wyoming. The Office employs about 500 staff including accountants and financial mangers, engineers, geologists, geospatial professionals, program analysts, IT personnel, and administrative personnel.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Dedicated to reducing the impacts of climate change on fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats. In addition to the D.C. Headquarters, the Service has 8 Regional Offices (Alaska, California, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, Oregon) with Field Offices in all States and U.S. Territories. Over 8,000 employees specializing in wildlife management and ecosystems. Jobs include biologists and biological science technicians, ecologists, budget specialists, program specialists, IT staff, firefighters, and administrative staff.U.S. Geological Survey. Science organization providing impartial information on the health of ecosystems and environment and the natural hazards that threaten them the impacts of climate and land-use change, and science systems that provide timely, relevant, and useable information. The Survey employs over 9,000 scientists, technicians and support staff at its headquarters in Reston, Virginia, 7 Regions and more than 400 locations throughout the U.S. Jobs include scientists biologists, microbiologists, and biologic technicians chemists ecologists, geologists geophysicists hydrologists and hydrologic technicians IT Specialists program analysts budget analysts and contract specialists.Offices Office of the Secretary. Includes the Congressio nal and Legislative Affairs Office Intergovernmental and External Affairs the Secretarys Indian Water Rights Office the Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations the Departments FOIA Program the National Invasive Species Council the Strategic Sciences Group the Indian Arts and Crafts Board and the Interior Museum.Office of Policy, Management and Budget. Includes Acquisition and Property Management Budget Environmental Policy Compliance Financial Management Human Resources International Affairs Planning and Performance Management Policy Analysis Strategic Employee and Organization Development and other enterprise management offices.Office of Insular Affairs. Coordinates federal policy for the territories of American Samoa, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands and Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands.Office of the Solicitor. Provides legal services to fulfill the Departments mission. More than 400 employees, 300 of whom are attorneys.Office of the Inspector General. Provides independent over sight and promotes excellence, integrity and accountability within the programs, operations, and management of DOI.TIP 3 DOIs Office of the Inspector General received the highest rating among the Departments Agency Subcomponents (15 of 320 ranked subcomponents) in the Partnership of Public Services Best Places to Work in the Federal Government, 2015.Office of the Chief Information Officer. Provides leadership in all areas of information management and technology. Currently implementing a series of technological efficiencies to deliver improved services at lower costs.Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians. Provides oversight, reform and coordination of the management of Indian funds held in trust in the federal government.Office of Subsistence Management. Branch of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service created to support Federal Subsistence Management Program, a multi-agency effort to provide for a subsistence way of life by rural Alaskans on Federal public lands and water while maintaining healthy populations of fish and wildlife.Civilian Career FieldsScientists (Job Series 0401)Biologists (Job Series 0401, 0403, 0482, 0486)Chemists (Job Series1320)Social Scientists (Job Series 0101)Engineers and Architects (Job Series 0800)Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Specialists (Job Series 0028)Botanists (Job Series 0400)Ecologists (Job Series 0408)Geologists and Geophysicists (Job Series 1320, 1350)Hydrologists (Job Series 0401, 1301)Minerals Leasing Specialists (Job Series 0301)Program Analysts (Job Series 0343)Budget Analysts and Accountants (Job Series 0560)Contracting Specialists (Job Series 1102)IT / Computer Specialists (Job Series 2210)Inspectors and Investigators (Job Series 1811)Administrative personnel (Job Series 301)Forestry Technicians (Job Series 0462)Park Rangers (Job Series 0025)Police Officers (Job Series 0083)Firefighters (Job Series 0081)TIP 4 The Department of Interiors website has a very helpful chart of mission-critical and high-populations support occupations. It lists a full array of occupational titles and the Bureaus that employ the primary occupations. Link to the chart at https// Vacancies There are currently approximately 340 Department of Interior General Schedule (GS) vacancies for civilian positions posted in USAJOBS for U.S. Citizens. Approximately half of the vacancies are for permanent positions others, such as for forestry technicians, are full time seasonal or temporary. Currently, the Bureaus with the largest number of positions are the Bureau of Land Management the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the National Park Service. Many are between the GS-4 and GS-13 levels. Occupations with the most current vacancies includeForestry Technicians (Job Series 0462)Range Technicians (Job Series 0455)Biological Science Technicians (Job Series 0404)Engineering/Architecture (Job Series 0800)Education Specialists (Job Series 1700)Park Rangers (Job Series 0025)Safety a nd Occupational Health Management (Job Series 0018)Physical Scientists (Job Series 1300)Legal Examiners, Assistants and Administrative Specialists (Job Series 0900)Management, Administrative (Job Series 0300)THE NEXT BLOG IN THE FEDERAL AGENCY SERIES WILL FOCUS ON THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESNeed Help with your Federal Resume for a Career with the Department of Interior?Complete our Request prozentsatz for Federal Resume to ask for a QUOTE for professional writing services for your federal resume. Order or Preview NowAll New and Available Now The Federal Resume Guidebook, 6th EditionStrategies for Writing a Winning Federal ResumeThe Number One Book on Federal Resume Writing 6th Editionis completelyredesigned as a practical workbook, making the complex process of writing a federal resume easy to understand.This book is not just about federal resumes. This book set the standard for federal resumes Kathryn Troutman, Author and PublisherLIBRARY JOURNAL REVIEW One of the Books most borrowed in U.S. Libraries, Career Book List, April 1st, 2009 Ellen Lazarus is a Resume Place Certified Federal Job Search Trainer, Federal Resume Writer and Career Coach. She is a former Legislative Branch senior executive.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Resume Headlines Exposed
Resume Headlines Exposed The Nuiances of Resume Headlines Go over these guidelines on how best to effectively present your skills list, so youll be in a position to boost your odds of getting noticed by the Hiring Manager. On the flip side, functional resumes are normally used by fresh graduates or individuals who have less experience but want to grab the work vacancy. Resume headlines are perfect for candidates with a great deal of experience. Below are a few of the short resume titles that can do the task for you. If you have little job experience or youre just going into the work market for the very first time, the headline gives you a chance to split the qualities which will help you grow your career. Never incorporate the main reason why you left your prior jobs. The Fundamentals of Resume Headlines You Will be Able to Learn From Starting Immediately You may use the work title in the headline to acquire attention of the reader. Making the headline unique to the job de scription indicates that you are interested in getting the work enough to customize your resume. The only intention of a headline is to create the reader read your very first sentence. To get a better chance of being accepted in the desired company you prefer to apply, youll need to be creative and make a unique resume headline to genuinely catch your readers interest. There are many things happening around the planet lately and one has to be quick in figuring out what the target audiences will look closely at. You wish to help your readers. Located on top of your resume below your name and contact info, a headline permits a recruiter to see quickly and concisely what makes you the correct person for the job. Always continue being honest, and keep in mind that most companies are expected to perform background checks and contact references. There are some guidelines to follow that could help your resume shine. The resume summary will function as their sales pitch. Resume h eadlines or a resume summary are frequently used as a guide to assist interviewers know a particular persons information in the kind of a summary. The resume profile is among the important elements of a good teaching resume. Ensure you go with experience related headline if you are in possession of a very good expertise in your related career. Youre better off to display your skills by your experience or have a short and descriptive collection of only the crucial skills needed by the employer. If you dont have the essential skills and experience, you might need to refine your work search to discover a great match. How to Get Started with Resume Headlines? The objective is to concisely state your value for a candidate. Without a suitable headline, there isnt any other way for communicating your experiences and techniques earned by means of your career. The child care business has weathered the current financial downturn quite well. ur occupation is to create your life simpl er. Your cover letter should concentrate on merely a few abilities and accomplishments which are the absolute most relevant to your intended job. Then it will direct you to craft a distinctive and captivating purpose statement thats authentically aligned with who you are, and what you would like out of your career. As you might have guessed, the words utilized in the title should always match the words utilized in the work description. The work title adequately communicates your objective and assures the recruiter your document is in the correct folder. Employers are most inclined to be interested in your existing accomplishments. Choose a job category below to begin exploring our assortment of thousands and thousands of high-quality resume samples. Skills like good negotiation and conflict resolution are a few examples you may also include in your objective statement to help it become strong. You will find a lot of fantastic examples online and well list a few here. There is nobody right approach to structure a resume. While itll be a bit additional work, be certain to make a new headline for each work application. Located right at the very top of the resume, a resume headline for fresher is the very first thing that the employer sees. In the current world there are lots of tactics to learn about the resume titles already offered. What to Do About Resume Headlines Before It Is Too Late In the event the listing puts a huge emphasis on project management, be certain to add this to the title. Resume objectives are occasionally regarded as the old schooltype of resume. Traditionally, applicants would incorporate a personal summary at the commencement of their resume. Resume is a kind of document employed by individuals that are seeking for employment. Resume Headlines at a Glance Mobile is increasing and nobody is strong enough to stop it. Email marketing isnt new, but its still one of the most truly effective techniques to market products an d solutions. Headlines are the absolute most important portion of your entire sales.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Biggest Myth About Writing a Resume Cover Letter Samples Exposed
The Biggest Myth About Writing a Resume Cover Letter Samples Exposed Regardless of what engineering track youre on, your deckblatt letter should highlight problem solving skills and the ability to satisfy quality standards. All you have in your titelbild letter needs to be relevant to the demands of the position youre applying for. It should be well written, and should be targeted to the position for which you are applying. As a consequence, your cover letter needs to show that you take patient care seriously. Getting the Best Writing a Resume Cover Letter Samples A cover letter is targeted at a particular employer, which is the reason why it ought to be impeccable and perfectly-written. Whenever your cover letter is finished, set aside time to reassess and edit. When possible, it should be addressed to a certain person. You also want to produce a cover letter thats easy and professional, without fancy specifics or fonts. How to compose your internship cover letter Although you need to tailor each cover letter based on the organization you apply for, theres a cover letter format concerning the content you could follow. So you should have an ideal small business cover letter. A well-written small business cover letter can earn a wonderful first impression. A well-composed teaching assistant cover letter can help you attain that. Youre only likely to have the very best once you turn to our cover letter support. When you have proofread the letter, after that you can let another person take a look simply to keep on the safe side. Your letter should explain what you can do to help your customer, not what it is that youre selling, she explained. Possessing a cover letter to go together with your resume is a very good approach to speak to them about who you are and your interest in the business. The 30-Second Trick for Writing a Resume Cover Letter Samples A cover letter is potentially the most significant part the job application procedure. howeve r, its frequently the most overlooked. It is a document that is sent along with your resume as a part of your job application. For many job seekers, it plays a significant part in the application process. You must make aya to submit a highly convincing and intriguing cover letter, and thats when youre able to come to Careers Booster for aid. Cover letter is the initial thing which comes in touch with your prospective employer for your benefit, therefore it must be attractive, precise and to the point. Reading through our sample student and internship cover letters will provide you with a clearer idea of the way to compose your own. Templates are readily available on any of the websites offering services for CV writing.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Major Tips About Employee Training Transfer
Major Tips About Employee Training TransferMajor Tips About Employee Training TransferResults, measurement, return on investment, testing, behavioral change, performance improvement, expectations, accountability, and learning applied on the job are this centurys language of education, employee training, and performance development. Successful performance technologists, managers, consultants, and training professionals provide a real-time connection between the classroom and the workplace. If not, why provide training at all? In my earlier articles, I gave concrete suggestions for training transfer to the workplace. These suggestions focused on actions and best practices that should take place before and during the employee training session to promote the transfer of learning to the job. Equally important to training transfer are the activities that abflug during and occur following the employee training session. You can help create an environment that fosters the ability of each empl oyee to assimilate learning and apply employee training on the job. Just follow these four guidelines. You can help employees apply training on the job. Your second mission is to continue to assess the effectiveness of the employee training over time. Determine whether the trainees feel able to apply the training on the job. Talk about specific behavioral changes, ways to apply the training, and different approaches to try as a result of the training. Share evaluation data from the employee training session, and consider ways to improve the employee training session. For this longer-term evaluation, you will want to use a written tool as well as ongoing discussion. You will want to meet with the trainee and the supervisor several additional times over the three to six months following the employee training. Four Training Transfer Tips Meet with each trainee, their supervisor, and possibly, their coworkers, following the employee training session.The purpose of the meeting is to assess the difficulties the training participant will experience in applying the training on the job. You want to help the supervisor, especially if she did not attend the training, understand the results she can anticipate from the employee training.You also want to help the participants discuss work environment changes that will enable training application. Because you also met with the supervisor prior to the training, this is part of an ongoing discussion. Remind the supervisor, particularly, or coworker that one of the most powerful methods for helping others apply training in the workplace is to act as a role model using the training or skill.Coworkers can offer suggestions, when requested, about applying the employee training. The supervisor is expected to assist with the application of the employee training. It presumes the supervisor is either skilled in the training content or he attended the employee training. Another powerful approach to training application involves an entire workgroup, including the supervisor, learning and then practicing the employee training content together.In a mid-sized manufacturing company, a group of managers, supervisors, and quality professionals attended the same customized employee training sessions for several hours a week. A central component of each employee training session welches a facilitated discussion about the application of the concepts learned the prior week. Follow up with the trainees and their supervisor about progress on the goals and action plans they developed during the employee training.In an effective employee training session, the group discusses how to apply the training back on the job.They also talk about how to overcome the typical roadblocks they will likely encounter when trying to apply the employee training. Persuasive evidence supports these as legitimate and effective methods for training transfer. According to Marguerite Foxon, currently Principal Performance Technologist for Motorola , in theAustralian Journal of Educational TechnologyThere are several transfer strategies outlined in the literature which can be incorporated into training courses, and research has produced some encouraging results.In particular, when learners are given goal setting and self-management instruction as part of a training course, they demonstrate a significantly higher level of transfer (eg., Gist, Bavetta, Stevens, 1990a 1990b).Such strategies increase the likelihood of transfer because they acknowledge the impact of organizational system factors while at the same time assisting the individual to focus on potential applications and to make plans for using the training.Both designers of instruction as well as those delivering it have a responsibility to address the transfer issue - to help learners think through how to integrate the skills into their jobsand to plan in terms of what will facilitate or inhibit the transfer. It is no longer good enough to leave it up to the individual learner - if it ever was. Help facilitate a partnership between the supervisor and the individual who attended training.They need to meet periodically so the trainee can share his application plan and progress with the supervisor. This partnership also consists of praise, positive reinforcement, and rewards for learning and applying the employee training.This partnership ensures that failed attempts to apply new learning are viewed as learning opportunities instead of failures. Never punish an individual for attempting to practice a new behavior or approach. If your organization approaches performance reviews in a traditional manner, the system or instrument cannot grade him or her down for practicing a new skill. Additional Information 6 Tips to Make Training WorkTraining Can Make a Difference (During)
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Top 5 Soft Skills for Job Hunters
Top 5 Soft Skills for Job HuntersTop 5 Soft Skills for Job Hunters10Youve revamped your resume. Youve coordinated a killer interview outfit. Youve studied up on the company and even scoped out the interviewers LinkedIn profile so you can feel your most prepared. In short, youve done everything necessary in order to have a successful job interview. But what about your soft skills?Did you know that when youre sitting in the interview chair your potential employer is judging you on a whole tischset of skills that you may not even be aware of? These soft skills have nothing to do with that multi-million dollar merger you helped orchestrate- they are all personality-based. Here are five of the most popular soft skills your hiring manager is grading you on- and heres how to score an A.Self-confidence. If youre quick to chat about your previous accomplishments, it can appear to be boastful. But if you seem too meek, you might miss the opportunity to impress your interviewer. Try to answer q uestions confidently, without seeming overly confident, and let them see you can handle the requirements of the job with ease.Time management. Did you show up 15 minutes late to your interview? Or were you late signing in for that Skype interview for a virtual job position? That will most definitely count against you. No matter what position you apply for, being able to be punctual says a lot about your character and how dedicated you will be to getting all of your work done on time.Working well under pressure. Youre having a great job interview, when all of a sudden your potential boss asks you to take a surprise quiz. What do you do? If you become flustered- or worse, refuse to take it- it could potentially cost you the job. Being able to go with the flow is a quality that all hiring managers look for in any new hires.Accepting criticism.Your interviewer critiques a previous employer- negatively. If you bristle or become annoyed, that can be a big strike against you. Unless it is an extremely harsh comment or something that is derogatory in nature, try to let the criticism roll off your back and turn it into constructive criticism instead.Being a team player. Is your resume riddled with numerous accomplishments that youve achieved solo? Do you express disdain about working in a group? Unless you are specifically hired to work alone (which, lets face it, few people are), youll need to work with others- and do it well. So be sure to show that you have been a team player in the past or else you might strike out with your potential boss- permanently.As you speak with an interviewer about your previous work experience and skill set, be sure to exhibit in your behavior and your body language the soft skills he or she is looking for. That way, you can show that you are the right candidate for the job.Readers, how do you show off your soft skills? Let us know in the comments section below
Thursday, November 21, 2019
3D Printing and the Jumping Robot
3D Printing and the Jumping Robot 3D Printing and the Jumping Robot 3D Printing and the Jumping Robot3D printing has helped improve many fields, so it would only be natural to see some impact on the field of robotics. As a postdoc at Harvard University, Michael Tolley, now an assistant professor at the University of California, San Diego, got in touch with people in chemistry who had been working on the idea of soft machines. And a question welches, Can you make a robot move and be composed primarily of soft materials? he says. He became part of a team that decided to find out the answer. Get Moving A major challenge was that it is hard to move pneumatic robots quickly when they are non-tethered. Its fine to be tethered for some things, but if you want to do search and rescue you have to be able to cut the cord, he says. Thats a major area of how robots can be of value. Thats where wecame up withjumping as a way to move quickly. Rob Shepherd, now at Cornell, came up with internal com bustion as a way to help make this happen.Silicone rubber is naturally resistant to extreme temperatures and pressure. Image Harvard University And all of what they would create for this jumping robot would be 3D printed except for the microcontroller valves, jump batteries, and fuel sources, he says. The body of the robot, the rigid core, and soft exterior were all printed, Tolley says. Some of it was actually very intuitive. Even though the team was focused on a soft body, batteries and motor controllers seemed to be incompatible. Unless youre going to reinvent all these things, you have to deal with the interface between hard control parts and soft bodies, he says. We thought we should grow hard components into a soft body, and they should not really be fixed to each other in any way, and it worked. But it was a perpetual challenge in terms of interfaces. Keeping things connected, considering pneumatic connections, ignore these and you could find the robot could be jumping violen tly into the air. Taking the Leap They hoped bringing in soft materials would absorb the impact of coming down from the jump, and prevent the creation from breaking. When you consider how much robotics can cost, anything that can help its lifespan has to be considered, he says.The soft materials help it work on many surfaces and for a longer period of time. The robot was ultimately designed in a nestled hemisphere design and is described by Tolley as looking like a deflated basketball. Then when oxygen and butane are injected, it becomes a full basketball and thats how the jump occurs. Testing proved successful, and the robot is able to repeatedly jump roughly a meter high without breaking. Even though Tolley says theyre proud of their accomplishments to this point, he says this marriage of differences came long before the team went to work. Much of the inspiration between soft and hard materials came from asking how nature does this, Tolley says. Like the octopus. It can be rigid w hen you think of the beak but then other parts of the body are soft. Its amazing what clues are all around us. Learn more about the latest technologies in 3D printing at ASMEsAM3D Conference Expo. Eric Butterman is an independent writer. For Further Discussion Much of the inspiration between soft and hard materials came from asking how nature does this.Prof. Michael Tolley, University of California, San Diego
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